Site Map Building - Transformed Design Inc.
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Site Map Building

Site Map Building is an important part of the organization of the website. Most websites start with a navigation bar with 5 pages to start. They usually consist of something such as a Home, About, Services, Blog and Contact Page. This is different for every website depending on the needs and design. If you are doing a landing page, then you would not need a sitemap. A good way to start a site map is to layout all the pages in a structure format, something similar to a family tree. You can add to each page a subpage and continue adding sub level page navigation. You can go as deep or add as many pages that you need. Here are some steps to help with a site map.

1. Organize all your pages
2. Put all the pages in the correct order
3. Add sub pages to the main navigation

Site Map also help with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), when the robots crawl the website. There are two types of sitemaps Google looks for example, which are XML and HTML sitemaps. They look for page titles and can help rank your website. The pages are what are listed and searched, when you have clear page titles and clean copy or content. This is a broad overview of a site map, but this should help you understand what the site map building entails.