Category Archives: Marketing

landing page
Landing Pages
by: admin on April 3, 2018

Ranking With Landing Pages In this vast ocean called the World Wide Web, one may wondering how can one get someone to “land” on my page. One way to build traffic to your site is with landing pages! These are pages that are uniquely carved out from the crowd and are keyword focused. Content is […]

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email marketing
Email Marketing
by: admin on April 3, 2018

What makes for Effective Email Marketing? Email marketing is one of the most direct and effective forms of advertising. Email marketing is at the forefront of many online business. Email efforts help to promote business which is predominantly aimed at repeat customers by maintaining a consistent relationship through email communication. Email marketing informs customers with […]

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conversion rates1
Conversion Rates
by: admin on April 3, 2018

Conversion rates are essentially the ratio of the number of people who visit your website to the number of customers that purchase your product. For example, for every 10 people who visit your website, if one person should make a purchase that is a conversion rate of 1 to 10. The better the conversion rates, […]

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Site Map Building
by: admin on April 3, 2018

Site Map Building is an important part of the organization of the website. Most websites start with a navigation bar with 5 pages to start. They usually consist of something such as a Home, About, Services, Blog and Contact Page. This is different for every website depending on the needs and design. If you are […]

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Communicating with Infographics
by: admin on April 3, 2018

Communicating with Infographics Infographics is a visualization tool that explains information in a short, direct manner. In essence, you are creating infographics to explain visually something that would take paragraphs of text or a much longer time to explain verbally. Data visualization taps into the part of the brain that makes it easier to grasp […]

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starting a small business
Starting a Small Business
by: admin on April 3, 2018

Get Started With Your Own Small Business For those of you who are starting a small business, congratulations! Running your own small business and being your own boss is one of the most enjoyable of experiences. Thanks to the internet, you can start up a small business and make your own money more quickly and […]

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What is a Malware Virus?
by: admin on April 3, 2018

The term “malware” is a combination of the words “malicious” and “software” which is used to describe a category of software that has been coded and designed for malicious purposes. You’ll most often hear it referred to as a “malware virus” sense it evades computers and websites much like a human virus. Types of Malware […]

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business brand
A Strong Business Brand
by: admin on April 3, 2018

Branding Your Business can be one of the funnest parts of growing your business. Your business is your baby, and your brand is kind of like how you dress up your baby. But instead of picking out cute well coordinated outfits you are dressing your baby up with a solid logo, a great website, business […]

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161201 blog SSL
What is an SSL Certificate?
by: admin on April 3, 2018

Have you ever noticed when browsing the internet, that green lock that shows in the address bar of some websites? And when you are on those websites you have this sense of security because they have that green bar. Well in case you ever wondered what that green accent was, it indicates that that company […]

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Make Money Blogging
by: admin on April 3, 2018

A Blog With Quality Content has value! Around the world there are many thousands of people who make money blogging on the internet. Blogging has become one of the simplest, yet most fun ways to actually draw in web traffic, generate advertising revenue and sell products as well. Although running an online business may produce […]

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